Introduction to EPQ

Why Have I chosen to study EPQ?

I have chosen to study EPQ because I believe that it will help develop my research, time management, evaluating and essay writing skills. I believe that the EPQ will help develop all this skills and will place me in a good position for later life and university. 

What topic have I chosen to research?  

The topic I have chosen to research is: Was the sentence given to John Venables and Robert Thompson just and fair? 
The mindmap below shows the branches of my research:

What order am Going to do the project in?

         the way I will do the project is as follows: 

  1. Look at the case facts 
  2. Look at the law relating to it 
  3. question whether the law is ethical
  4. look at the social factors of Venables and Thompson
  5. Look at if any outlying factors such as politics or media attention affected the sentence given. 
  6. Look at if these factors affected sentence
  7. look at what what occurred post sentence
  8. Evaluate if the sentence given was ethical
  9. Plan and write dissertation and deliver findings to audience. 
The style of research I will use will be secondary, looking at articles and websites, along with law reports to make sure that my research is up to date. This is because most of the research for the case has already been done, so doing primary research is not suitable. 


By the end of my project, I am aiming to find out if the sentence was just and fair, both in a legal and a moral sense. Already knowing a little bit about the case, I currently find the sentence unfair as I believe that both should have gotten a larger sentence than they did. However, I am excited to try and find out the different aspects of the case, the offenders actions, the law on it and if the events outside of the courtroom affected the sentence in it. By the end of the project, I do believe that I will have changed my opinion on the subject matter. 


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