What did police find out during the investigation of Venables and Thompson in February 1993?

 What source have I used?

As with last weeks source, I have continued to use the website https://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/crime-files/james-bulger/investigation, dated from 2018. This source is extremely valuable because it has been updated as new case facts have come to light, meaning their information is extremely valuable and reliable. 

What have I learnt from the Source?

  • On Thursday 18th Feb 1993, the police began to investigate Venables and Thompson
  • Thompson was investigated at Walton Lane Police Station
  • Venables was investigated at Liverpool's Lower Lane Police Station
  • Both have blood, hair and fingernail samples taken
  • Police are entering new territories with this as no-one has interviewed child murder suspects before.
  • In order to ensure that their testimonies will stand up in court, it is critical that the boys understand the implications of telling lies and telling the truth; and the differences between right and wrong. 
  • The police ask specific questions to ensure this and both boys pass
  • They are both questioned with legal representatives and mothers present, but cope differently 
  • Venables acts his age- he is hysterical and extremely afraid of the investigators. He keeps mentioning his deep rooted fear of going to prison
  • Thompson is the polar opposite- He is controlled, and mostly composed throughout the entire process. 
  • Venables is quick to reveal that he was in the area on the day James disappeared, but does not mention the Strand
  • Eventually Thompson reveals that he and Venables were in the Strand on the day that James went missing- he goes into great detail over the clothes that James was wearing, which shows the investigators that he and Venables were with Thompson for a long time. 
  • Thompson later confesses that the 2 boys Took James from the Strand. 
  • Both boys are blaming each other and are doing their best to hide the truth. 
  • Thompson's story changes over 5 times during the course of the 2 days of questioning
  • Venables asks if you can get fingerprints off skin, which concerns the police- it shows that the boys are hiding something. 
  • There was a change in Thompson's chatter- when he mentions James his anxiety causes his legs to shake. 
  • By lunchtime on the 19th Feb 1993, Thompson admits that he and Venables had taken James to the railway site, where his body was found. 
  • During the investigation, there’s an eerie moment when Thompson imitates a wailing James asking for his mother- this is an unnerving moment for the police 
  • Near 1pm, Venables finds himself alone with his parents and cracks under the pressure- he admits to being involved in the murder of James. Whilst he does this the police are listening. 
  • Armed with Venables' confession they can go and question Thompson, however he does not admit his guilt in James' death. 
  • Police feel as though they have enough evidence to charge both boys, and on Saturday 20th February 1993 they are charged with the abduction and murder of James Bulger. 

Pictures:   top- Walton Lane Police Station- source: flickr
                 middle- Lower Lane Police Station (Liverpool) - source: wikimedia commons
                bottom- Railway track where James' body found- source: The mirror. 
Where next?

From this, I will now look at the trial of Venables and Thompson once again using the same source as it has given me lots of useful information so far. 


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