Plan for the coming months

 Where have I gotten to?

From my original list of the order in which I will conduct my research, I have so far completed:

  1.  Case facts 
  2.  the law relating to the case
  3.  The social factors of Venables and Thompson (I covered this in my nature v nurture debate)
  4.  If the sentence given was ethical
What Have I missed off/ not completed yet?

  1. Behaviour of people in interviews and how Venables and Thompson are similar/ different to it. 
  2. If any outlying factors such as media and politics affected the sentence given
  3. If those factors did affect the sentence given
  4. What occurred post sentence
  5. Plan and write dissertation and present findings to audience. 
From this list, I have left out the question on if the law was ethical or not. This is because I believe that the question was not relevant to the overall course that my project will follow. 

Where next?

From this, I will answer each of the questions in order, and aim to complete all my research by October half term. After that, I will look at how I could possibly present my findings, and conduct any necessary research to be able to do that effectively and well. After that research, It will be presenting findings and to the audience. If all goes to plan, it should look like this:

  1. Behaviour of people in interviews and how Venables and Thompson are similar/ different to it-does their behaviour indicate guilt/ knowledge of the severity of the crime
  2. Outlying factors research-does this affect if the sentence was fair. 
  3. If outlying factors affected sentence research- does this make the sentence more or less far
  4. What occurred post sentence---------------------------October Half term cut off
  5. Possible ways to present findings- chose way to present findings
  6. Research good examples of chosen method. Why and how they are good
  7. Research any necessary steps needed to be able to carry out chosen method
  8. Plan method
  9. complete method
  10. Plan and present to audience. 
For all 9 steps of this, I am aiming to have completed my project by Christmas 2021. 


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