
Showing posts from May, 2021

What did police find out during the investigation of Venables and Thompson in February 1993?

  What source have I used? As with last weeks source, I have continued to use the website , dated from 2018. This source is extremely valuable because it has been updated as new case facts have come to light, meaning their information is extremely valuable and reliable.  What have I learnt from the Source? On Thursday 18th Feb 1993, the police began to investigate Venables and Thompson Thompson was investigated at Walton Lane Police Station Venables was investigated at Liverpool's Lower Lane Police Station Both have blood, hair and fingernail samples taken Police are entering new territories with this as no-one has interviewed child murder suspects before. In order to ensure that their testimonies will stand up in court, it is critical that the boys understand the implications of telling lies and telling the truth; and the differences between right and wrong.  The police ask specific questions to ensure

What occured in February 1993?

  What Source Have I used?  For this section of the research I have used the Website This website was originally published in 2017, however was modified in 2018. This means that the source will be extremely valuable because as new information has come to light they have modified the page, meaning that it will be accurate. The Date I visited this source is the 14th May 2021.  What Have I learnt from this source? Below is a list of the timeline and key details of the case up to the murderer's arrest(s): On Friday the 12th February 1993 Denise Bulger visited the Bootle Strand Shopping Centre with her 2 year old son James Bulger As she is making a final visit to A. R Tyms Butchers, she is momentarily distracted and takes her eyes off James, long enough for him to be taken.  She searches frantically for him and alerts security, who call the police after the failed to locate James She describes him as wearing a blue

Introduction to EPQ

Why Have I chosen to study EPQ? I have chosen to study EPQ because I believe that it will help develop my research, time management, evaluating and essay writing skills. I believe that the EPQ will help develop all this skills and will place me in a good position for later life and university.  What topic have I chosen to research?    The topic I have chosen to research is: Was the sentence given to John Venables and Robert Thompson just and fair?  The mindmap below shows the branches of my research: What order am Going to do the project in?          the way I will do the project is as follows:  Look at the case facts  Look at the law relating to it  question whether the law is ethical look at the social factors of Venables and Thompson Look at if any outlying factors such as politics or media attention affected the sentence given.  Look at if these factors affected sentence look at what what occurred post sentence Evaluate if the sentence given was ethical Plan and write dissertation